Earl Grey Milk Tea Powder

The Earl Grey Milk Tea Powder blends the classic flavor of Earl Grey tea with rich, creamy milk, offering a unique taste experience. Allwin Food Co., Ltd. carefully selects high-quality tea leaves and fresh milk powder, meticulously blending each batch to evoke the sensation of strolling through a royal tea garden and savoring the finest Earl Grey milk tea.

Customized Solutions - ALLWIN FOOD

Tailored Customization Services to Enhance Your Business Efficiency

We offer customizable services to adjust the formula based on your market demands and preferences. We create a unique Earl Grey milk tea powder that accentuates the distinctiveness of your product and aligns with your brand image. From the ratio of tea to milk to the selection of aromas, we cater to your specifications, ensuring that your product stands out.

Whether it's the coolness of autumn or the heat of summer, a cup of Earl Grey milk tea can bring you warmth and comfort. With this versatile milk tea powder, you can easily create various unique flavored beverages, attracting more customers and making your brand stand out in the market.

Indulge in the Essence of Earl Grey Milk Tea

Craft Unique Beverages for Every Season!

When considering how to enrich your beverage options, Earl Grey milk tea powder offers a delightful choice. This carefully selected milk tea powder is not only suitable for making traditional bubble milk tea but also for concocting uniquely flavored iced beverages, bringing you and your customers a fresh and creative experience! 

Shelf Life:With a shelf life of up to 18 months.

Spec:Each package weighs 2.2 pounds.

Box:There are 20 packages per case, totaling 44 pounds.

Originating from Taiwan, it comes with a guarantee of quality.

If you're interested in our Earl Grey Milk Tea Powder or have any questions, feel free to contact Allwin Food Co., Ltd. at any time. We look forward to collaborating with you to establish successful international ventures.


Practice Ratio: (powder: water = 1:6)

Mix 100g Earl Grey milk tea powder with 300g hot water together, and stir until dissolved.


Add 300g ice cube and stir, enjoy and ready to serve!

※ For more details, please watch the video.

※ You can add milk, tea, milk foam, bubble or syrups to serve according to your personal preference.

※ You can also add tapioca pearls, taro balls, potato balls, tapioca cubes and noodles or coconut jelly to enhance the taste.

※ The recipe can be adjusted by personal preference.

For more information, please click on “Recipe Video Tutorial” or contact with us 06-593-7665.

Are you interested in ALLWIN FOOD CO., LTD.'s t earl grey milk tea powder?
Feel free to contact us.
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